Visualization with ggpubr package

We will show in this note how to use ggpubr package to draw nice boxplots, violin and density plots. We will be using as an Example genetic data such the TCGA data. It’s a dataset known as the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data is a publicly available data containing clinical and genomic data across 33 cancer types. It’s a set of several data that include gene expression, CNV profiling, SNP genotyping, DNA methylation, miRNA profiling, exome sequencing, and other types of data. This data is then available in the R package RTCGA build by Marcin Kosinski and Przemyslaw Biecek. Here’s a link where you can find instructions on how you can install the package and use the data:

Getting the TCGA data

The following R code installs the core RTCGA package as well as the clinical and mRNA gene expression data packages.

  1. Load the bioconductor installer.
> source("")
> biocLite("RTCGA")
  1. Install the main RTCGA package
> library(RTCGA)
> installTCGA("RTCGA.mRNA")
> library(RTCGA.mRNA) # Run this on R not in RStudio
> library(RTCGA)
## Welcome to the RTCGA (version: 1.12.0).
> load("data_mRNA.RData")

Here’s then the dataset. Each cell is a data.frame and it represents the number of obs.

> infoTCGA() 
##                   Cohort  BCR Clinical   CN LowP Methylation mRNA mRNASeq
## ACC-counts           ACC   92       92   90    0          80    0      79
## BLCA-counts         BLCA  412      412  410  112         412    0     408
## BRCA-counts         BRCA 1098     1097 1089   19        1097  526    1093
## CESC-counts         CESC  307      307  295   50         307    0     304
## CHOL-counts         CHOL   51       45   36    0          36    0      36
## COAD-counts         COAD  460      458  451   69         457  153     457
## COADREAD-counts COADREAD  631      629  616  104         622  222     623
## DLBC-counts         DLBC   58       48   48    0          48    0      48
## ESCA-counts         ESCA  185      185  184   51         185    0     184
## FPPP-counts         FPPP   38       38    0    0           0    0       0
## GBM-counts           GBM  613      595  577    0         420  540     160
## GBMLGG-counts     GBMLGG 1129     1110 1090   52         936  567     676
## HNSC-counts         HNSC  528      528  522  108         528    0     520
## KICH-counts         KICH  113      113   66    0          66    0      66
## KIPAN-counts       KIPAN  973      941  883    0         892   88     889
## KIRC-counts         KIRC  537      537  528    0         535   72     533
## KIRP-counts         KIRP  323      291  289    0         291   16     290
## LAML-counts         LAML  200      200  197    0         194    0     179
## LGG-counts           LGG  516      515  513   52         516   27     516
## LIHC-counts         LIHC  377      377  370    0         377    0     371
## LUAD-counts         LUAD  585      522  516  120         578   32     515
## LUSC-counts         LUSC  504      504  501    0         503  154     501
## MESO-counts         MESO   87       87   87    0          87    0      87
## OV-counts             OV  602      591  586    0         594  574     304
## PAAD-counts         PAAD  185      185  184    0         184    0     178
## PCPG-counts         PCPG  179      179  175    0         179    0     179
## PRAD-counts         PRAD  499      499  492  115         498    0     497
## READ-counts         READ  171      171  165   35         165   69     166
## SARC-counts         SARC  261      261  257    0         261    0     259
## SKCM-counts         SKCM  470      470  469  118         470    0     469
## STAD-counts         STAD  443      443  442  107         443    0     415
## STES-counts         STES  628      628  626  158         628    0     599
## TGCT-counts         TGCT  150      134  150    0         150    0     150
## THCA-counts         THCA  503      503  499   98         503    0     501
## THYM-counts         THYM  124      124  123    0         124    0     120
## UCEC-counts         UCEC  560      548  540  106         547   54     545
## UCS-counts           UCS   57       57   56    0          57    0      57
## UVM-counts           UVM   80       80   80   51          80    0      80
##                 miR miRSeq RPPA MAF rawMAF
## ACC-counts        0     80   46  90      0
## BLCA-counts       0    409  344 130    395
## BRCA-counts       0   1078  887 977      0
## CESC-counts       0    307  173 194      0
## CHOL-counts       0     36   30  35      0
## COAD-counts       0    406  360 154    367
## COADREAD-counts   0    549  491 223    489
## DLBC-counts       0     47   33  48      0
## ESCA-counts       0    184  126 185      0
## FPPP-counts       0     23    0   0      0
## GBM-counts      565      0  238 290    290
## GBMLGG-counts   565    512  668 576    806
## HNSC-counts       0    523  212 279    510
## KICH-counts       0     66   63  66     66
## KIPAN-counts      0    873  756 644    799
## KIRC-counts       0    516  478 417    451
## KIRP-counts       0    291  215 161    282
## LAML-counts       0    188    0 197      0
## LGG-counts        0    512  430 286    516
## LIHC-counts       0    372   63 198    373
## LUAD-counts       0    513  365 230    542
## LUSC-counts       0    478  328 178      0
## MESO-counts       0     87   63   0      0
## OV-counts       570    453  426 316    469
## PAAD-counts       0    178  123 150    184
## PCPG-counts       0    179   80 179      0
## PRAD-counts       0    494  352 332    498
## READ-counts       0    143  131  69    122
## SARC-counts       0    259  223 247      0
## SKCM-counts       0    448  353 343    366
## STAD-counts       0    436  357 289    395
## STES-counts       0    620  483 474    395
## TGCT-counts       0    150  118 149      0
## THCA-counts       0    502  222 402    496
## THYM-counts       0    124   90 123      0
## UCEC-counts       0    538  440 248      0
## UCS-counts        0     56   48  57      0
## UVM-counts        0     80   12  80      0

We will now extract the mRNA expression for five genes of interest

  • GATA3, PTEN, XBP1, ESR1 and MUC1
  • from 3 different data sets:

    • Breast invasive carcinoma (BRCA),
    • Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma (OV) and
    • Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC)

and we will merge them in the same dataset

> expr <- expressionsTCGA(BRCA.mRNA, OV.mRNA, LUSC.mRNA,
+                         extract.cols = c("GATA3",
+                                          "PTEN", "XBP1",
+                                          "ESR1", "MUC1"))

The new data has the following characteristics

> dim(expr)
## [1] 1305    7
> colnames(expr)
## [1] "bcr_patient_barcode" "dataset"             "GATA3"              
## [4] "PTEN"                "XBP1"                "ESR1"               
## [7] "MUC1"
> head(expr)
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   bcr_patient_barcode          dataset   GATA3  PTEN  XBP1   ESR1  MUC1
##   <chr>                        <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 TCGA-A1-A0SD-01A-11R-A115-07 BRCA.mRNA  2.87 1.36   2.98  3.08   1.65
## 2 TCGA-A1-A0SE-01A-11R-A084-07 BRCA.mRNA  2.17 0.428  2.55  2.39   3.08
## 3 TCGA-A1-A0SH-01A-11R-A084-07 BRCA.mRNA  1.32 1.31   3.02  0.791  2.99
## 4 TCGA-A1-A0SJ-01A-11R-A084-07 BRCA.mRNA  1.84 0.810  3.13  2.50  -1.92
## 5 TCGA-A1-A0SK-01A-12R-A084-07 BRCA.mRNA -6.03 0.251 -1.45 -4.86  -1.17
## 6 TCGA-A1-A0SM-01A-11R-A084-07 BRCA.mRNA  1.80 1.31   4.04  2.80   3.53

Let’s display the number of sample in each data set:

> nb_samples <- table(expr$dataset)
> nb_samples
##       590       154       561

We simplify data set names by removing the “mRNA” tag.

> expr$dataset <- gsub(pattern = ".mRNA", 
+                      replacement = "",  expr$dataset)

We simplify also the patients’ barcode column. The following R code will change the barcodes into BRCA1, BRCA2, …, OV1, OV2, …., etc

> expr$bcr_patient_barcode <- paste0(expr$dataset,
+                                    c(1:590, 1:561, 1:154))

Finaly our dataset looks like the following

> expr
## # A tibble: 1,305 x 7
##    bcr_patient_barcode dataset  GATA3   PTEN   XBP1   ESR1    MUC1
##    <chr>               <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 BRCA1               BRCA     2.87   1.36   2.98   3.08   1.65  
##  2 BRCA2               BRCA     2.17   0.428  2.55   2.39   3.08  
##  3 BRCA3               BRCA     1.32   1.31   3.02   0.791  2.99  
##  4 BRCA4               BRCA     1.84   0.810  3.13   2.50  -1.92  
##  5 BRCA5               BRCA    -6.03   0.251 -1.45  -4.86  -1.17  
##  6 BRCA6               BRCA     1.80   1.31   4.04   2.80   3.53  
##  7 BRCA7               BRCA    -4.88  -0.237 -0.725 -4.49  -1.46  
##  8 BRCA8               BRCA    -3.14  -1.24  -1.19  -1.63  -0.987 
##  9 BRCA9               BRCA     2.03   1.21   2.28   4.12   0.668 
## 10 BRCA10              BRCA    -0.293  0.288 -1.61   0.473  0.0115
## # ... with 1,295 more rows


Installing ggpubr package

Let’s first install ggpubr from kassambra Github account

> if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("kassambara/ggpubr")

Let’s now load ggpubr in R

> library(ggpubr)
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: magrittr

First boxplot

I will know show how to create a box plot of a gene expression profile, colored by groups (here dataset/cancer type). We show the level of expression of the gene GATA3 accorrding to each data sample.

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco")

Same thing with the PTEN gene:

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "PTEN",
+           title = "PTEN", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco")

Know we create a list of boxplots

> p <- ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+                y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+                title = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+                 ylab = "Expression",
+                color = "dataset", palette = "jco")

We can view the boxplot according the Gene GATA3

> p$GATA3

and the gene PTEN

> p$PTEN

and the gene XBP1

> p$XBP1

Pairwise comparison

Now we would like to compare the means and perform the an ANOVA. We will then ask to add the p-values of the pairwise comparison

> my_comparisons <- list(c("BRCA", "OV"), c("OV", "LUSC"))
> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco")+
+   stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons)

We can then with the same method show more comparisons

> my_comparisons <- list(c("BRCA", "OV"), 
+                        c("OV", "LUSC"),
+                        c("BRCA","LUSC"))
> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco")+
+   stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons)

We can also compare mean between many genes at the same time:

> comp_data=compare_means(c(GATA3, PTEN, XBP1) ~ dataset, data = expr)
> comp_data
## # A tibble: 9 x 8
##   .y.   group1 group2         p     p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <fct> <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 GATA3 BRCA   OV     1.11e-177 3.30e-177 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 GATA3 BRCA   LUSC   6.68e- 73 1.30e- 72 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 GATA3 OV     LUSC   2.97e-  8 3.00e-  8 3.0e-08  ****     Wilcoxon
## 4 PTEN  BRCA   OV     6.79e-  5 6.80e-  5 6.8e-05  ****     Wilcoxon
## 5 PTEN  BRCA   LUSC   1.04e- 16 3.10e- 16 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 6 PTEN  OV     LUSC   1.28e-  7 2.60e-  7 1.3e-07  ****     Wilcoxon
## 7 XBP1  BRCA   OV     2.55e-123 7.70e-123 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 8 XBP1  BRCA   LUSC   1.95e- 42 3.90e- 42 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 9 XBP1  OV     LUSC   4.24e- 11 4.20e- 11 4.2e-11  ****     Wilcoxon

Boxplot manipulations

You can then select items (here cancer types) to display.

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+           select = c("BRCA", "OV"))

You can also remove items (here cancer types).

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+           remove = "BRCA")

It’s also possible to change the order of the dataset on x axis

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+           order = c("LUSC", "OV", "BRCA"))

We can also create horizontal plots

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset", y = "GATA3",
+           title = "GATA3", ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+           rotate = TRUE)

It’s also possible to combine the three gene expression plots into a multi-panel plot, use the argument combine = TRUE:

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+           y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+           combine = TRUE,
+           ylab = "Expression",
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco")

We can merge the 3 plots using the argument merge = TRUE:

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+           y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+           merge = TRUE,
+           ylab = "Expression", 
+           palette = "jco")

We can merge the 3 plots using the argument merge = "asis":

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+           y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+           merge = "asis",
+           ylab = "Expression", 
+           palette = "jco")

The y variables (i.e.: genes) become x tick labels and the x variable (i.e.: dataset) becomes the grouping variable. To do this, use the argument merge = “flip”:

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+           y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+           merge = "flip",
+           ylab = "Expression", 
+           palette = "jco")

Adding decorations

We will add jittered points on the boxplot.

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+           y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+           combine = TRUE,
+           color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+           ylab = "Expression", 
+           add = "jitter",                              # Add jittered points
+           add.params = list(size = 0.1, jitter = 0.2)  # Point size and the amount of jittering
+ )

We can also add and adjust a dotplot.

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+             y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+             combine = TRUE,
+             color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+             ylab = "Expression", 
+             add = "dotplot",                              # Add dotplot
+             add.params = list(binwidth = 0.1, dotsize = 0.3)
+   )

  • We can label the boxplot by showing the names of the samples with the top \(n\) highest or lowest values.

  • You can use the following arguments:

    • label: the name of the column containing point labels.

    • can be of two formats:

      • a character vector specifying some labels to show.
      • a list containing one or the combination of the following components: top.up and top.down: to display the labels of the top up/down points.


  • = list(top.up = 10, top.down = 4) or

  • = list(criteria = “y > 3.9 & y < 5 & x %in% c(‘BRCA’, ‘OV’)”)

> ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+             y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+             combine = TRUE,
+             color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+             ylab = "Expression", 
+             add = "jitter",                               # Add jittered points
+             add.params = list(size = 0.1, jitter = 0.2),  # Point size and the amount of jittering
+             label = "bcr_patient_barcode",                # column containing point labels
+    = list(top.up = 2, top.down = 2),# Select some labels to display
+             font.label = list(size = 9, face = "italic"), # label font
+             repel = TRUE                                  # Avoid label text overplotting
+   )

> <- list(criteria = "`y` > 3.9 & `x` %in% c('BRCA', 'OV')")
>   ggboxplot(expr, x = "dataset",
+             y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+             combine = TRUE,
+             color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+             ylab = "Expression", 
+             label = "bcr_patient_barcode",              # column containing point labels
+    =,       # Select some labels to display
+             font.label = list(size = 9, face = "italic"), # label font
+             repel = TRUE                                # Avoid label text overplotting
+   )

Violin plots

display this

Violin + Boxplot

>  ggviolin(expr, x = "dataset",
+            y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+            combine = TRUE, 
+            color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+            ylab = "Expression", 
+            add = "boxplot")

Displaying the descriptive statistics

> library(reshape) 
> expr2=melt(dt)
## Using dataset as id variables
> head(expr2,2)
##   dataset variable   value
## 1    BRCA    GATA3 2.87050
## 2    BRCA    GATA3 2.16625
> res<-desc_statby(expr2,measure.var = "value",grps=c("dataset","variable"))
> res
##    dataset variable length       min      max     median       mean
## 1     BRCA    GATA3    590 -6.025250 3.930000  1.6763750  1.1035732
## 2     BRCA     PTEN    590 -2.398357 2.802786  0.8123929  0.7486928
## 3     BRCA     XBP1    590 -2.438250 4.736750  2.1194167  1.7498139
## 4     BRCA     ESR1    590 -4.860667 6.110833  3.0645833  2.2982359
## 5     BRCA     MUC1    590 -2.793875 4.280500  2.2476875  1.8527130
## 6     LUSC    GATA3    154 -5.059500 1.196625 -3.9270625 -3.7584818
## 7     LUSC     PTEN    154 -1.935429 1.472357  0.3048571  0.2516035
## 8     LUSC     XBP1    154 -2.291083 2.194083 -0.4241250 -0.2916250
## 9     LUSC     ESR1    154 -5.195417 0.421750 -3.0606250 -2.9925693
## 10    LUSC     MUC1    154 -1.814250 3.240375  0.6474375  0.5622597
## 11      OV    GATA3    561 -5.963250 1.395875 -4.2500000 -4.2256808
## 12      OV     PTEN    561 -2.750357 2.727500  0.6530714  0.5723408
## 13      OV     XBP1    561 -3.187750 1.910583 -0.8346667 -0.8727874
## 14      OV     ESR1    561 -5.033167 4.334583  1.6151667  1.4866153
## 15      OV     MUC1    561 -3.323375 4.561875  2.4697500  2.2671916
##          iqr       mad        sd         se         ci     range
## 1  2.0183125 1.1917324 1.8002158 0.07411371 0.14555931  9.955250
## 2  0.7508929 0.5542806 0.6917991 0.02848092 0.05593652  5.201143
## 3  1.7493750 1.1950992 1.5070681 0.06204501 0.12185639  7.175000
## 4  3.1700833 1.9828540 2.6218080 0.10793813 0.21199046 10.971500
## 5  2.0145625 1.4114352 1.4999340 0.06175131 0.12127955  7.074375
## 6  1.0329063 0.7490836 0.9132301 0.07359018 0.14538404  6.256125
## 7  0.8792321 0.6602865 0.6550587 0.05278614 0.10428378  3.407786
## 8  0.9772500 0.7592765 0.8248771 0.06647049 0.13131846  4.485167
## 9  1.0367708 0.7768206 1.0459820 0.08428763 0.16651783  5.617167
## 10 1.8160313 1.2928272 1.1499654 0.09266685 0.18307173  5.054625
## 11 0.8773750 0.6484522 0.7335973 0.03097250 0.06083647  7.359125
## 12 0.9690714 0.7268976 0.7741196 0.03268335 0.06419694  5.477857
## 13 1.3240000 0.9892648 0.9220309 0.03892817 0.07646308  5.098333
## 14 1.2080000 0.8978378 1.2030989 0.05079487 0.09977176  9.367750
## 15 1.1295000 0.8280321 1.0288869 0.04343964 0.08532454  7.885250
##            cv       var
## 1   1.6312609 3.2407769
## 2   0.9240093 0.4785860
## 3   0.8612734 2.2712544
## 4   1.1407915 6.8738772
## 5   0.8095879 2.2498020
## 6  -0.2429784 0.8339891
## 7   2.6035355 0.4291020
## 8  -2.8285542 0.6804223
## 9  -0.3495264 1.0940784
## 10  2.0452565 1.3224203
## 11 -0.1736045 0.5381650
## 12  1.3525501 0.5992611
## 13 -1.0564209 0.8501409
## 14  0.8092873 1.4474469
## 15  0.4538156 1.0586083
>  ggviolin(expr, x = "dataset",
+            y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+            combine = TRUE, 
+            color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+            ylab = "Expression", 
+            add = "mean_se")

We add quantiles

> ggviolin(expr, x = "dataset",
+            y = c("GATA3", "PTEN", "XBP1"),
+            combine = TRUE, draw_quantiles = c(.025,.5,.75,.975),
+            color = "dataset", palette = "jco",
+            ylab = "Expression", 
+            add = "boxplot")

Density plots

To visualize the distribution as a density plot,

> ggdensity(expr,
+        x = c("GATA3", "PTEN",  "XBP1"),
+        y = "..density..",
+        combine = TRUE,                  # Combine the 3 plots
+        xlab = "Expression", 
+        add = "median",                  # Add median line. 
+        rug = TRUE                       # Add marginal rug
+ )

Change color and fill by dataset

> ggdensity(expr,
+        x = c("GATA3", "PTEN",  "XBP1"),
+        y = "..density..",
+        combine = TRUE,                  # Combine the 3 plots
+        xlab = "Expression", 
+        add = "median",                  # Add median line. 
+        rug = TRUE,                      # Add marginal rug
+        color = "dataset", 
+        fill = "dataset",
+        palette = "jco"
+ )

Merging all the plots in one figure

> ggdensity(expr,
+        x = c("GATA3", "PTEN",  "XBP1"),
+        y = "..count..",
+        color = ".x.", fill = ".x.",     # color and fill by x variables
+        merge = TRUE,                    # Merge the 3 plots
+        xlab = "Expression", 
+        add = "median",                  # Add median line. 
+        rug = TRUE ,                     # Add marginal rug
+        palette = "jco"                  # Change color palette
+ )

Facet by dataset

> ggdensity(expr,
+        x = c("GATA3", "PTEN",  "XBP1"),
+        y = "..count..",
+        color = ".x.", fill = ".x.", 
+ = "dataset",            # Split by "dataset" into multi-panel
+        merge = TRUE,                    # Merge the 3 plots
+        xlab = "Expression", 
+        add = "median",                  # Add median line. 
+        rug = TRUE ,                     # Add marginal rug
+        palette = "jco"                  # Change color palette
+ )